Sunday, June 08, 2008

The all important EXERCISE

I have finally pulled my lazy self of the TV chair to exercise. When on any diet, it works best to include 20 mins of exercise daily if you can. I've spent 2 hours this weekend on exercise. It should make up for the coming week. :D I still have to manage the house, cook, clean etc all the chores housewives do. :P

You will feel like a tonne of bricks during your very FIRST workout session. The next day I ached ALL over!! But with each exercise session, you will feel stronger, I'm not kidding! Hence, you'll need to increase the duration and intensity to push your body.

A good tip when you feel like giving up the last 5 mins of your workout, imagine yourself in the perfect figure, all firm and healthy. I imagined myself in my favorite dress that hangs in my wardrobe. I just can't wait to get into it. :))

So remember to start of slow, warm up and cool down after each session. Walking on the threadmill is good as it doesn't stress your knees if you're on the heavy side like myself. So 30 mins walking and 20 mins on weights. It should help I hope!

Friday, June 06, 2008


Good snacks during phase 1 of SBD are nuts. Not only are they good for your body, they tastes soooo good. :) Whenever I feel I have the hunger pangs, I just pop 1 in my mouth. Of course you must have a daily portion allowed or else you would just go through the entire packet. Geez. SBD allows 15 almonds a day OR 10 peanuts(big skinless shandong nuts). I love cherry tomatoes too but they are a bit high on the carbs and sugar levels so don't overeat them. Celery sticks and low fat cheeses are great too. They go so well together. I'll write more about others snacks the next time :)
Do you know about "The Secret"??

It's feels so great after practicing and applying what I found out about "The Secret". I couldn't believe it at first. I tested their theories and it worked. It has made me focused on the positives things in life and not dwell on the negative. You can declare me the GURU in that area! The more you think about the negative, the more it will manifest on to me. As with losing weight, don't think about oh why I am not thin but to think that I will loose weight and have a healthy lifestyle. And be grateful for any weight that you have lost or even for trying to loose the weight when you have not lost at all because you have started the road to a more healthy living!

I told myself that I would want to loose weight and be healthy. And somehow the "law of attraction" allowed my friend to lend me her book on SBD. It's spooky how things work in the universe! I am now learning to trust my instincts and to act upon it. I now to listen to my inner voice instead of all the criticism from others like you are fat and you'll never loose weight etc. And NEVER EVER TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE FAT AND OVERWEIGHT. The more you focus on that - MORE WEIGHT WILL PILE ON! ohhh believe it. I have done that over the last years and have put on 10 lbs when all I wanted was to loose more!! Well, better late than never :))))

Please read about "The Secret"
Weekly weigh in after 1 week

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I woke up crappy and angry today! Must be one of the symptoms when going on a diet. Oh yes the headaches...sucky headaches. I've been on other diets and have gone through the same thing in the beginning. Let's hope with all the "suffering", I'll have the determination and will of an ox to stick to the diet!!!! *Keeps fingers crossed*

Let's see for breakfast, I indulged myself with a fried egg and 1 piece of fried hard beancurd. As for morning tea, fresh sugarless soy milk. Yummy! I love my soy! Lunch I cooked a large plate of mixed veges with pieces of chicken breast(leftover from a roast on Sat). That was filling. I love my salads. It's funny how I don't crave for rice. Tonight, it'll be chicken soup(chucked in loads of veges)....sosoooooo yummy. Since I've been on the diet, the whole family has been eating really healthy. Gooodie.:)

Btw, I've lost 1 more pound. I'll do another weigh in on Thurs to see the weekly total weight loss. Till then Ta!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Diet! Yes I've started on another diet!! God knows how many I have tried but never committed to it to the end. But this time, it was different. I couldn't believe what I've read on my old rundown weighing scale.

3lbs! I have lost 3 whole lbs in only 4 days! Luckily for me the results were as expected. Some who tried weren't that successful. Now you must be dying to know which wonderful, fantastic and miraculous diet this is right? South Beach Diet!! Yes I can sense your reaction! A skeptic :D Well I shall continue to track my Phase 1 of my diet on this blog. So stay tuned. :)